"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime"
You are building a business
This isn’t a sales job… its an opportunity to build a business Ultimately, your goal is to build a team that can market the business for you. The bigger your team and better trained your team is, the more profitable your business will be.
Phase 1
First, you want to become a great introducer
Your field trainer’s job is to train you in the business while they help you build your business
Build a list of at least 25 people
Before you spend 20+ hours studying for your test, get in the field and see for yourself
Take all the pressure off yourself and ask for help with training
Bdollar smart will allow you to meet with people in your warm market and give them tremendous value which will give them a great opinion about your business
Stick to the scripts
Appointment Scheduling Scripts
If you get 3 recruits and 3 life insurance sales = $600 bonus (1 x 1 = $200 unlimited)
You could also get 3 A/H, 3 PLPP, 3 ID theft $400+ (depending on promotion)
Encourage your 3 recruits to get their 3 x 3 done so you now have 12 new teammates and 12 new clients.
Continue to focus on growing your team and helping people get their 3 x 3 completed to create momentum in your business
Become a field trainer and focus on helping new associates get trained and promoted and paid (you will never run out of places to go)
Phase 2
Field training new associates
Warm market
Referrals/Repeat Business
Social Media/Networking
Groups/Business Owners
Sound Cloud Audio - Zachary Lavin 5 To Stay Alive - Ian Prukner
Recruiting is the fastest way to grow your business
New recruits bring new markets
New recruits often become clients
3 x 3 is the multiplier (how many people on your team are going for 3 x 3 each month?)
What would it be like for you if you were field training 8-10 new people at the same time?