In this business, having names and numbers on a list, is your inventory. Simply put, the more names and numbers you have on your list, the more places you will have to go to find potential new recruits and clients. A complete names list consists of at least 1,000 names and numbers of people that you know.You will use this list later and begin to "Qualify" that list. We'll talk more about that later on.
We're going to help you QUICKLY compile a top 25 list, of people who you can approach with a potential business opportunity, or our products and services. In order to do this, you need to know what "Market" you're working in. Use the PDF below to compile your list.
There are three markets that you will be working in. These markets are your Hot Market, Warm Market, and Cold Market.
Compile Your Top 25 List:
Using what you've learned about the Hot & Warm Markets, quickly compile a list of AT LEAST 20-25 people who you have the closest relationships with, and the most credibility with. As soon as you're done, take a picture of your list and send it to your Field Trainer. Your Field Trainer will help you qualify this list and help you pick the 5-10 you can start with together.
Pro Tip: Think about those those in your life that you care about the most; those with a significant other and children who you wouldn't want to see struggle financially if something happened prematurely. They are who we need to talk to first.
Your Hot Market are those that you have the closest relationships with. Those that you have the most credibility with. These people are generally your closest family members; for example Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle, or Cousin. They can also be your closest friends, those that you associate with most frequently. People you regularly call, or see. You could show up to their house unannounced, walk in, grab a drink from the fridge and watch tv. It could also be as simple as the last 20 people you've texted.
Your Warm Market consists of people you know by name, and they know you by name. The guiding principle here is that you know them, and they know you. People, if they saw your face they'd recognize you. These people can also be your family, friends and associates. You may see these people frequently at work, at church, volunteer groups, community organizations, bowling league, or at social gatherings. They may also be family friends or a friend of a friend.
These could be people with who you are interacting with more on an infrequent or "hi-bye" basis. In some cases these are people that you've not met in person (yet). Think of your social media channels, business networks (in or out of the office). Think of extended relationships you have at church, kids sports/activities, sports leagues, facebook groups, social clubs or where you (or your significant other) do volunteer work. It could also be other professional organizations for example; Rotary Club, BNI, LBN or other networking groups.
Fast Start Training List.PDF
The "EASY 3"
The "Easy 3" appointments are made with those who you care the most about such as your closest family members and friends. These are the people who have proven to be the best places to start.
Remember the acronym M.A.C.H.O stands for:
The "These are those who you would want to go into business with. These are people that you have the best of the best rapport with. Potentially, they may be the same as those you thought of before, OR they generally have three or less of the M.A.C.H.O. qualifiers.
Why? Generally speaking, most potential recruits who have 3 or less of the 5 qualifiers of M.A.C.H.O. and generally don't have a need for our financial products and services YET.
These are the people who are your top three candidates to utilize our products and services with whom you have the best of the best rapport with. They should meet a minimum of 4 of the 5 qualifications from M.A.C.H.O. (Three qualifiers are acceptable if one of the three is Married or Children)
Don't worry about not leading with the opportunity here first! We will always present out business opportunity to our clients.
Why? We've found that the BEST RECRUITS meet a minimum 4 of the 5 qualifications form M.A.C.H.O., with CHILDREN being one of them. Additionally, who do most potential clients who are Married, or have Children associating with? You guessed it! With those who are likely married and have children as well.